I’m Miranda, the two hands behind Small Town Clay. I found clay while attending Bridgewater College pursuing a Communication and Art degree. After one wheel thrown ceramics course, I was hooked. I went on to graduate a few years later and purchased my first wheel as a graduation present to myself. Things quickly took off and I haven’t looked back since.
I work out of a private home studio nestled in the Shenandoah Valley. My work is primarily sold online but occasionally you can find me at local festivals/events and small shops throughout my community.
You’ll most likely see my four-legged studio assistant Winnie as the star of the show if you stick around. She’s my three year old labradoodle, best pal, studio mate and essentially the co-CEO of Small Town Clay.
I’m just a simple small town gal with a love for clay like you wouldn’t believe and I’m so grateful to have you following along on my journey!
xoxo- Miranda & Winnie